Monday, December 5, 2011


   I have found our little baby girls bedding set and I'm so happy that I did.  We were looking at one and I was about to settle on it.  It was just a pale pink bedding with no design.  But I thought I would just go take a peek at the clearance section at Target online and I found the one I have been dreaming about.  The best part is it has all the colors that I want as the accent colors on the wall.  It has the bright pink, the bright orange and greens.  Also another fabulous thing about it was 10 dollars less than the one we were just going to settle for.

Baby girl is kicking and growing.  We go to the doctors again this Wednesday and we will be setting up another ultrasound in the next two weeks.  It is crazy to think that our little one is going to be here in 2 months and a week.  11 more weeks!!!  We are so excited to meet her.  We are still debating about names but I think when we see her we will know her name and the big debate of the name will be over!  So for right now I'm letting my little 1 year old niece name her and I'm pretty sure little girls name will be YEAH.

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