Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The New Year!

I had an exciting weekend starting on Friday.  I woke up at 10:00am after working all night to watch a Bowl game with my hubby and friends.  I wasn't feeling all that great... I thought I had morning sickness.  I threw up (sorry for that little detail) and at first I thought it was just my stomach just hurting... but than my back started to hurt.  I waited a couple of seconds and the pain went away.  I was going to go join my husband when I felt the tightening happen all again.  I was thinking oh this is just a braxton hicks contraction nothing to worry about.  It wasn't until feeling it for the third time I started to worry.  I called my sister to ask her the pregnancy question of which one I was having... She just told me to call the doctor.  I set up an appointment with the doctor.  I than went to sit out on the couch grabbed a glass full of water so I could drink some water and than go lay down.  When I took a swallow of the water I had to run to the bathroom.  My friend came with me to the doctors so that hubby could continue watching the football game.  We got to the doctors we went and sat in the little room for not even 5 minutes and the doctor was there to check me out.  I had got a viral infection which was playing with all my insides and starting the contractions because I was becoming dehydrated.  I called the hubby because I was being sent to the Labor/Delivery at the hospital to get the monitors hooked up to my belly and to get IV fluid.  Hubby came and got me and we walked into the room that my husband pointed out is where we found out the news of our daughter being a still born.  He asked if I wanted to be moved I said no, I can't be afraid of just a little room.  I got on the bed and than the nurse came into the room to do the routine reading of questions and me answering.  Than the monitors were placed on my belly and for a full hour I got to hear my little girls heartbeat while my hubby watched the rest of the football game.  We laughed the first time we heard the thunk over the heart monitor and than a couple more she was going to town trying to kick it off.  I wasn't registering has having any contractions because my uterus is still small.  The nurse didn't say that I couldn't be having them she said I probably was because dehydration brings contractions on.  They sent me home and had me rest.  I rested over this weekend taking everything easy.  I went to work the next night and I was still having little contractions off and on.  I haven't felt one for the last couple of days.

But in less than 7 weeks we will have our little girl with us and I can't wait to kiss those cheeks.  Also we bought her coming home outfit yesterday and it is so cute!

1 well wishes:


Ahh!! You were starting to scare me with that post! I am glad everything is ok!!! Take care of yourself mama! :) I can't wait to meet her!

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