Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The First Appointment

My first appointment with the Perinatologist was on July 19...

I'm not as far along as I expected... I think we found out we were pregnant when we were only two or three weeks along CRAZY!!!

They did a ultrasound and guess what I have a tipped uterus which I think I knew that from my 2 previous pregnancies.  So they had to do the other one...  and when we were expecting to see a little peanut we saw no peanut but a little yolk sack yep that is right we got to see our little baby before it is a peanut.  The Perinatologist and the nurse said that they could see the heart flicker.  We couldn't.  The good news Herm looks like a healthy pregnancy the Dr. said something about it being a diamond pregnancy because Herm is so perfectly round.  So in another couple weeks my hubby and I will be doing another ultrasound to see the peanut.

When it comes time for the 20th week ultrasound it will be up to my doctor if he sends me to the Perinatologist or someone at his office.  The doctor told us when we would be seeing her more frequently around the 35th week.  I will start going to her and my other doctor weekly.  The Perinatologist will be running the stress test on Herm.  At 37 weeks we can make the decision to do a test to see if Herm's lungs are fully developed if they are they will induce me the next day.  They also said that if I was feeling good I could go up to 39 weeks and they would induce me a week early.  We will see when the time comes what will happen.  Mind you that I had my stillborn at 38 weeks so I don't think I will want to go past 38 weeks.

They said they just saw one yolk sac and one flicker of a heartbeat YEPEE!!! I HAVE A BABY GROWING IN ME!!!

and the followup with our regular doctor:

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